How We Got Here

How We Got Here

What is now Galloping Goat Ranch began as a nonprofit, Galloping Grace Youth Ranch, back in 2006.  My wife and I felt led to offer an experiential and educational opportunity to urban youth.  We had the land, some horses, and a desire to provide something unique for local children.

Over the years, our little ranch evolved from free horseback riding, to ranch tours, to summer camps, to 4H and more.  As a way to fund the ranch, we began selling pumpkins on the side of the road.  It didn’t take long for that little roadside stand to grow into a full-fledged pumpkin patch full of games, activities, animals, and mountains of pumpkins.

Through the years, we impacted the lives of thousands of children and their families.  It was pure joy to see their smiles and hear their laughter.

 In 2018, Michelle and I decided it was time to simplify our lives and let go of the challenges involved in running a nonprofit.  We closed Galloping Grace Youth Ranch.  Though we closed the nonprofit, we maintained ownership of the pumpkin patch and converted it over into our family business, Galloping Goat Pumpkin Patch.

Soon after, COVID disrupted the world and our business.  New Mexico shut down all mass gatherings, thus, preventing us from hosting our pumpkin patch.  A main attraction of our event is all of our animals.  Without the pumpkin patch, funds were low so we had to make a decision.  Do we sell off the animals or find another way to pay for their care? Our daughter and son-in-law suggested we start renting the goats out for weed control.  So, that is what we did.  We started with 35 goats and have grown Galloping Goat Grazing to over 300 in the herd.  We work with State Forestry, Parks and Rec., Nature Preserves and private landowners.

During this time, my kids encouraged me to start sharing my day to day with folks on TikTok.  And now, in addition to running my goat grazing, pumpkin patch, and coffee business, I am a full time content creator on social media.  With over 600,000 followers across multiple platforms, I get the opportunity to entertain and educate people all around the world about my day to day life.

After a year or so of hosting a LIVE TikTok feed where we would watch the sunrise over the Sandia Mountains, drink coffee, and have epic conversation. we were inspired to open a coffee business.  

 In summary, Galloping Goat Ranch is a multifaceted organization that provides products, education, and entertainment to an incredible community of people from all corners of the world.

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Lots of fun watching the channels. I do have a question. I notice all the dust and bare ground in the videos. Does taking out the weeds open up the ground for erosion? I live in a are with little dust in the air (unless they are plowing the fields in the fall or you live on a gravel road). Does it matter what time of year you are clearing an area? I assume the goats are taking out invasive species but also native plants. Does this make a difference. Wish I had thought of running goats for weed killing years ago. (My husband did a computer program for milk goats many years ago so I am very familiar with them. Thank you!!

Nancy Plummer

give us more science, please botanical names of the weeds the goats are eating, nutrient info, close ups of weeds, how to identify them, data on fencing including ‘virtual fencing’ if you are trying it out


Love Cowboy max and the gang! I live in NJ but my daughter lives in Albuquerque, I love watching his sunrise tic told, I always know how my daughter’s day is starting out! Sorry to hear about all the miscarriages, last year was do fun watching all the births. Keep doing what your doing Max


The sunrises got my attention but it was you, your animals, your family and Crazy Crew that got me to stop scrolling and keep coming back. You and Wifey are absolutely incredible people with an amazing family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your life with us


I enjoy watching Max in the morning. Instead of watching tv, I watch Max. I really enjoy when he goes out to feed the animals. Max you are doing a GREAT job on TikTok, so glad I found you. Have a goat day! 🐐🐓🐄🐖🦮


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